This girl. Where do I even start?!?!? Not only are the looks she creates absolutely phenomenal, but her personality is exactly what you’ll need at the start of your session. The girl will have you laughing and feeling great right from the beginning! She's a mom of five...two of those being fur babies. We both love weird Indie music, and she's Ed Sheeran's biggest fan. Oh...and she's married to a Brit...yup, she has her very own Prince y'all. 


glam squad

we met on a total whim, and it was the best thing that could have ever happened

By this point you are well aware of who I am!
The tie dye wearing, Prius driving, new age hippie with a mouth of a sailor. I have more photos of my dogs in my phone than is probably healthy, and my blood is probably 37% sweet tea by now. I've been married since I was 17, and I'm a ginger breeder of two.


We've been doing this for a long time.
I'm very careful about who I add to our team.

This girl. Where do I even start?!?!? Not only are the looks she creates absolutely phenomenal, but her personality is exactly what you’ll need at the start of your session. The girl will have you laughing and feeling great right from the beginning! She's a mom of four...two of those being fur babies. We both love weird Indie music, and she's Ed Sheeran's biggest fan. Oh...and she's married to a Brit...yup, she has her very own Prince y'all. 


glam squad

we met on a total whim, and it was the best thing that could have ever happened

By this point you are well aware of who I am! The tie dye wearing, Prius driving, new age hippie with a mouth of a sailor. I have more photos of my dogs in my phone than is probably healthy, My blood is probably 37% sweet tea at this point. I've been married since I was 17, and I'm a ginger breeder of two.


We've been doing this for a long time.
I'm very careful about who I add to our team.